
Our nutrition videos are lectures recorded at global nutrition conferences and workshops, featuring leading experts addressing a wide range of key nutritional topics. The talks are free to Nestlé Nutrition Institute members, and cover all the most-discussed subjects in nutrition today.

Sponsorship Disclosure: Many of the publications, programs, conferences, educational resources and other content available on this website have been funded and/or prepared by the Nestle Nutrition Institute or its Nestle affiliates.

Group by
Raanan Shamir VOD
Feeding our infants and toddlers: present and future consequences

Feeding our infants and toddlers: present and future consequences

Complementary feeding (CF) refers to the introduction of other foods and liquids, in addition to breast milk, when…

Raanan Shamir
Ciaran Forde VOD
Learning to Eat: Early life texture experience in the development of eating behaviors and dietary patterns

Learning to Eat: Early life texture experience in the development of eating behaviors and dietary patterns

Ciarán Forde
Jonas Hauser VOD
Toddler nutrition and brain development

Toddler nutrition and brain development

Jonas Hauser
Bo Lönnerdal
The Importance of Milk Composition in Early Life to Meet Infants Changing Needs

The Importance of Milk Composition in Early Life to Meet Infants Changing Needs

Bo Lönnerdal
Sagar Thakker
Protein Evolution of Breast Milk - Sagar Thakkar

Protein Evolution of Breast Milk - Sagar Thakkar

Sagar Thakkar
WPD Josef Neu Presentation
Nutrition for the sick preterm: can we make it more precise?

Nutrition for the sick preterm: can we make it more precise?

Josef Neu
Nadja Haiden WPD Presentation
Feeding preterm infants after hospital discharge: a ESPGHAN position paper

Feeding preterm infants after hospital discharge: a ESPGHAN position paper

Nadja Haiden
Early Nutrition for Optimum Growth
Early Nutrition for Optimum Growth

Early Nutrition for Optimum Growth

Berthold Koletzko
NNIW 100 Interviews: Jose Saavedra
NNIW 100 Interviews: Jose Saavedra

NNIW 100 Interviews: Jose Saavedra

Jose (Pepe) M. Saavedra
NNIW100 Interviews: Jens Walter
NNIW 100 Interviews: Jens Walter

NNIW 100 Interviews: Jens Walter

Jens Walter
Jose Saavedra at NNIW100
Sustainable diets: The intersection of human and planetary health, Jose Saavedra

Sustainable diets: The intersection of human and planetary health, Jose Saavedra

Jose (Pepe) M. Saavedra
paula hallam at nniw100
Nutrition Challenges and opportunities when shifting to plant-based diets, Paula Hallam

Nutrition Challenges and opportunities when shifting to plant-based diets, Paula Hallam

Paula Hallam
david kaplan at nniw100
New food technologies addressing challenges at food system level, David Kaplan

New food technologies addressing challenges at food system level, David Kaplan

David Kaplan
Julia Keppler at NNIW100
Milk proteins without cows, Julia Keppler

Milk proteins without cows, Julia Keppler

Julia Keppler
Marine Kraus at nniw100
Moving towards the future: cell-based technology for milk bioactives, Marine Kraus

Moving towards the future: cell-based technology for milk bioactives, Marine Kraus

Marine Kraus