Growth & Development

Early life events, including nutrition, play a powerful role in programming a person’s development, metabolism and health for the future. This section covers all aspects of the importance of maternal nutrition in the first 1000 days including nutrition in pregnancy, epigenetics, metabolic programming, breastfeeding, growth & cognitive development and a lot more.

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N&G 2025 Booklet
N&G 2025 - Symposium Abstract Brochure

N&G 2025 - Symposium Abstract Brochure

In the NNI and WNSC symposium at the 12th International Conference on Nutrition and Growth, global experts discussed how nutrition during the critical toddler years builds a strong foundation for future health. The talks mainly tackled complementary feeding (CF) and the emphasis on the right timing to maximize health outcomes such as prevention of allergy and obesity, as well as the complex process of learning to eat, emphasizing the importance of food taste and texture acceptance in shaping future eating behaviors, and the impact of specific nutrients on brain maturation and myelination

Ciaran Forde VOD
Learning to Eat: Early life texture experience in the development of eating behaviors and dietary patterns

Learning to Eat: Early life texture experience in the development of eating behaviors and dietary patterns

Ciarán Forde
Jonas Hauser VOD
Toddler nutrition and brain development

Toddler nutrition and brain development

Jonas Hauser
Raanan Shamir VOD
Feeding our infants and toddlers: present and future consequences

Feeding our infants and toddlers: present and future consequences

Raanan Shamir
Nutrition and Growth Yearbook 2025
Nutrition and Growth Yearbook 2025

Nutrition and Growth Yearbook 2025

Human growth patterns title
Human growth patterns – an evolutionary and cross-species perspective

Human growth patterns – an evolutionary and cross-species perspective

Andrew Prentice
Regulation of Healthy Growth in Young Humans
The regulation of heathy growth in young humans

The regulation of heathy growth in young humans

Linda Adair
Critical and sensitive periods in child development
Critical and sensitive periods in child development

Critical and sensitive periods in child development

Ahmad Suryawan
Nourishing healthy brain growth and development in young children
Nourishing healthy brain growth and development in young children

Nourishing healthy brain growth and development in young children

Sarah Cusick
Global and secular trends in patterns of child growth
Global and secular trends in patterns of child growth

Global and secular trends in patterns of child growth

Aryeh Stein
Examining the role of environmental exposures on child growth and development
Examining the role of environmental exposures on child growth and development

Examining the role of environmental exposures on child growth and development

Usha Ramakrishnan