Nutrition, Health and Wellness

With vast clinical problems persisting in the world today, the role of nutrition for overall health, and prevention and treatment of diseases may sometimes be overlooked.

In this section you will find extensive research on the therapeutic role of diet, including resources for dietary guidelines and nutrition screening & assessment. We also cover requirements and recommendations for food safety, healthy eating, nutrients and hydration.

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Content type
Feeding Children with Gastrointestinal Impairment

Feeding Children with Gastrointestinal Impairment

Co-Authored by 2 Experts
Annales 75.3 - Meeting the Iron Needs of Young Children (publications)

Annales 80.1 - Foods for the future and their potential impact on child nutrition

Co-Authored by 4 Experts
Iron Adequacy made easy with Iron-Fortified Infant Cereal

Iron Adequacy made easy with Iron-Fortified Infant Cereal

Default publication

Iron-Fortified Foods Are Needed To Meet the Estimated Average Requirement for Iron in Australian Infants Aged 6 to 12 Months

Co-Authored by 5 Experts
NNI Workshop 100: Shaping the Future with Nutrition

100th Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop - Shaping the Future with Nutrition

Default publication

NNI Satellite Symposium Enteral Nutrition Proceedings ESPGHAN 2023

New trends in Enteral Nutrition for children with Gastrointestinal impairment

New trends in Enteral Nutrition for children with Gastrointestinal impairment

Co-Authored by 3 Experts
The Benefits And Challenges Of Digital Health

The Benefits And Challenges Of Digital Health

Guilherme Rabello
Digital Consultations, Real Connections: Effective Virtual Engagement For Telemedicine

Digital Consultations, Real Connections: Effective Virtual Engagement For Telemedicine

Marvin Olaes
High value nutrition to address public health concerns such as micronutrient deficiencies

High value nutrition to address public health concerns such as micronutrient deficiencies

Harjinder Singh
Importance of macronutrient quality for balanced diets:  An example of carbohydrates

Importance of macronutrient quality for balanced diets:  An example of carbohydrates

Kim-Anne Le Bur