Our nutrition videos are lectures recorded at global nutrition conferences and workshops, featuring leading experts addressing a wide range of key nutritional topics. The talks are free to Nestlé Nutrition Institute members, and cover all the most-discussed subjects in nutrition today.
Sponsorship Disclosure: Many of the publications, programs, conferences, educational resources and other content available on this website have been funded and/or prepared by the Nestle Nutrition Institute or its Nestle affiliates.

How early gut microbiome development impacts infant and toddler health

Complementing HMOs with strain specific probiotics in healthy term neonates: first results of a randomized trial

When gut microbiome supports musculoskeletal health and development

Review of effective interventions in risk reduction and management of GDM

Nutrition interventions from preconception to postpartum period and their role in preventing important health challenges

New supplementation approach for optimizing pregnancy outcomes - results from NiPPeR study

Human breast milk for preterm infants

Small actions, big impact: Immediate skin-to-skin care for every baby everywhere