Our nutrition videos are lectures recorded at global nutrition conferences and workshops, featuring leading experts addressing a wide range of key nutritional topics. The talks are free to Nestlé Nutrition Institute members, and cover all the most-discussed subjects in nutrition today.
Sponsorship Disclosure: Many of the publications, programs, conferences, educational resources and other content available on this website have been funded and/or prepared by the Nestle Nutrition Institute or its Nestle affiliates.

Allergy and Human Milk Oligosaccharides – Kristine Marie Gutierrez, M.D

HMOs and Gut Development: New Clinical Evidence

Gut Talk Series: The Infant Microbiome and the Risks of Dysbiosis

Hot Topics 2022: Contemporary Nutrition Issues

Dietary Management of EoE: More Than Just Food Allergen Avoidance

Q&A - Nutrition and Growth Conference 2022

Protein levels and intake in early life and its relationship with growth and risk of NCDs

Nutritional needs during the first 1000 days to support growth during infancy and toddlerhood: the influence of maternal health