Professor Catherine Forestell

Catherine Forestell


Department of Psychological Sciences at William & Mary in Virginia (Associate Professor)

PhD in Experimental Psychology at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia. After, she obtained a postdoctoral fellowship at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia. 

Teaches courses in developmental psychology, health psychology, and research methods in William & Mary. 

Her research, which focuses on understanding how early experiences play a role in the development of food preferences and addictive behaviors, has been funded by the Canadian Institute of Health Research and the National Institutes of Health.

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Articles from this author

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The Development of Flavor Perception and Acceptance: The Roles of Nature and Nurture

Catherine Forestell
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Flavor Perception and Preference Development in Human Infants

Catherine Forestell
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You Are What Your Parents Eat: Parental Influences on Early Flavor Preference Development

Catherine Forestell

Videos from this author

Video Teaser: Taste development, Perception and Food preference in Young Children (videos)

Video Teaser: Taste development, Perception and Food preference in Young Children

Catherine Forestell
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Video Teaser - Taste development, Perception and Food preference in Young Children

Catherine Forestell
NNIW95: Taste development, perception and food preference in young children (videos)

NNIW95: Taste development, perception and food preference in young children

Catherine Forestell
Early Learning about Flavors: Functional Significance and Implications for Health    (videos)

Early Learning about Flavors: Functional Significance and Implications for Health

Catherine Forestell