European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) 2019
NNI hosted 3 symposia at ESPGHAN 2019
1. Inspired by Human Milk Research
Bo Lönnerdal (chair), Department of Nutrition, University of California, USA
▶ Protein: What Did We Learn from Human Milk? Sagar Thakkar, Singapore
▶ The Long Term Impact of Early Nutrition Ferdinand Haschke, Austria
2. Human Milk Oligosaccharides and their Potential in Immune System Development
Hania Szajewska (chair), Department of Pediatrics, The Medical University of Warsaw, Poland
▶ Human Milk Oligosaccharides as Primers for the Microbiome and Immune System Lars Bode, USA
▶ The Gut Microbiome and its Role in Early Immune Development and Allergies Liam O'Mahony, Ireland
▶ The Role of Human Milk Oligosaccharides in Allergy Management Yvan Vandenplas, Belgium
3. Why Do We Need Dietary Therapy in Crohn’s Disease in an Era of Biologics?
Frank Ruemmele (chair), Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades, Paris
▶ Why Do We Need Nutrition Therapy in an Era of Biologics David Wilson, UK
▶ What Are the Targets for Dietary Therapy Rotem Sigall-Boneh, Israel
▶ Present State of the Art on Dietary Management in Crohn’s Disease Eytan Wine, Canada
▶ The New Kid on the Block: The Crohn’s Disease Exclusion Diet for Induction of Remission Arie Levine, Israel