The future of HMOs ESPGHAN 2024

The future of HMOs ESPGHAN 2024

In this NNI symposia at ESPGHAN 2024, three experts speak more about the future of HMOs, and how moving towards synbiotics can be a means to optimize health benefits. Prof. Lorella Gianni shares updates regarding many complementary functions of HMOs, and its role in supporting gut and immune development in early life, which may be used to address and potentially prevent health conditions such as allergies and infections. Prof. Jean-Charles Picaud discusses the results of a clinical study with a synbiotic blend of six HMOs and strain specific probiotics showing positive influence on the infant

Co-Authored by 3 Experts
Podcast thumbnail

Podcast Episode 6 - Impact of the environment on gut microbiome and allergy

NNI Workshop Series

NNIW99 - The Changing Landscape of Pediatric Nutrition: Latest Trends & Future Directions


The Nest Thumbnails - The Nest 53.jpg

The Nest 53: Learning to Eat

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Disorder of Gut-Brain Interaction: Insights, Causes and Management

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Learning to Eat: How Food Preferences and Eating Habits are Formed Early in Life

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The True Weight of the Obesity Epidemic: Factors and Implications

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A Healthy gut microbiota is built in childhood


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