Preterm Nutrition Academy
Over 10% of babies worldwide are born prematurely, with increasing rates in both developed and developing countries. Preterm infants face developmental immaturity that affects various organs and systems, potentially leading to long-term health issues. They have unique physiological characteristics that create specific nutritional requirements. Therefore, adequate nutrition is essential for their growth and development.
The Preterm Nutrition Academy is committed to offering practical resources to assist healthcare professionals in the complex area of feeding preterm infants.


Nutrition for infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia: can individualised nutrition be the answer?

Nutrition strategies to prevent adverse short term outcomes in preterm neonates

Annales 81.1 - Advancing neonatal nutrition: Paving the path from present to future

How Can Preterm Infants Benefit From Human Milk Oligosaccharides


Nutrition for the sick preterm: can we make it more precise?

Feeding preterm infants after hospital discharge: a ESPGHAN position paper

Diet-microbe-host interaction in preterm infant health


Clinicians should consider daily DHA supplements during pregnancy to reduce early preterm birth: Study

Nutritional supplementation in preconception and pregnancy linked to reduced risk of preterm birth

Johns Hopkins study shows mother's diet may boost immune systems of premature infants

Preemies face higher risk of diabetes as children and young adults