Our nutrition videos are lectures recorded at global nutrition conferences and workshops, featuring leading experts addressing a wide range of key nutritional topics. The talks are free to Nestlé Nutrition Institute members, and cover all the most-discussed subjects in nutrition today.
Sponsorship Disclosure: Many of the publications, programs, conferences, educational resources and other content available on this website have been funded and/or prepared by the Nestle Nutrition Institute or its Nestle affiliates.

Can CoMiSS™ Be Improved?

The Q&A of NNI Symposium at ESPGHAN 2022: The Cow’s Milk related Symptom Score (CoMiSS™) to Facilitate the Awareness of Cow’s Milk Allergy

NNIW97: Documentary on the history of pediatric nutrition

NNIW97: Early Nutrition and Microbiome Maturation – Caroline Le Roy

NNIW97: Human Milk Bioactives & Child Health – Hanne Tytgat

NNIW 97: A Child’s Nutrition and Epigenetics – Catherine Lynn Silao

NNIW97: Nutrition and the Metabolic Health of Children - Ian Macdonald

NNIW97: The Triple Burden of Malnutrition in the Era of Globalization – Andrew Prentice