Water Scarcity and Food Security in Rain Fed Areas: Challenges and Opportunities – David Bergvinson

Nutrition Health & Wellness

Water is a valuable resource upon which our nutrition, economies and peace depend. Water and nutrition are also related in achieving sustainable development. However, the challenge on water resources for agriculture is evident, mainly due to an observed shift to animal protein - rich diets, a growing world population and climate change. The semi-arid tropics are already in need to manage water scarcity. Agri-food systems that maximise water use efficiency can increase water availability around the year, crop diversity and in turn diet diversity, crop yields and farmers’ income, as shown by projects of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in India and sub-Saharan Africa. Due to the challenges of climate change on water resources, new ways of working towards holistic and inter-sectoral solutions through public, private and producer partnerships are required for sustainable development.

This is a video teaser with key points from the presentation of Mr. David Bergvinson during the Nestlé International Nutrition Symposium - Nourishing the World. Click on the link below if you want to see Mr. David Bergvinson’s full talk
