Physiological Effects of Feeding Infants and Young Children a Formula Supplemented with Milk Fat Globule Membranes

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There has been a long evolution and many advances in the preparation of infant formula.  Several studies over the years have compared breastfed and formula-fed infants in terms of their growth, cognitive achievements and cholesterol levels, as well as their rates of obesity, infection, eczema and high blood pressure in later life. 

In this presentation, Olle Hernell gives a detailed analysis of the Milk Fat Globule Membrane (MFGM) in human milk, which has traditionally been replaced by vegetable oils in infant formulas.  He looks closely at the MFGM’s consistency and function and gives an overview of various studies from Sweden, India, Indonesia, France and Italy which measured cognitive achievements, growth and infection susceptibility in babies receiving formula vs. breastmilk.  There are such mixed results, he concludes that more study is needed with comparable fractions.