NNI Symposium at 2021 Virtual EASD Annual Meeting “Postprandial Glycaemic Excursions: Implications for Health and Effects of Nonpharmacological Interventions

Nutrition & Disease Management Nutrition Health & Wellness Obesity

The key principle in diabetes management is to achieve optimal glycemic control, assessed by the measurement of Hb1Ac levels, and that overall HbA1c level is a result of the combination of both fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and postprandial glucose (PPG). The relative contribution of each one to the HbA1c level depends of the degree of glycemic control. Additionally, there is a significant body of evidence which shows PPG is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease and there is a linear relationship between postprandial hyperglycemia and cardiovascular death. This suggests that controlling postprandial hyperglycemia is just as important as controlling fasting hyperglycemia.

In this symposium, Professor Louis Monnier discusses the relationship between short-term and long-term glucose variability and adverse clinical outcomes, methods to assess glycaemic variability, and the clinical and therapeutic implications of managing glycemic variability. Professor Ahrén reveiws nutritional approaches to manage type 2 diabetes, discusses the evidence on current and emerging novel non-pharmacological approaches for postprandial glucose management.