Managing Tube Feeding Intolerance in the Home

Gut Microbiota

Tube feeding intolerance can lead to gastrointestinal upset, resulting in inadequate nutrition, fluid and electrolyte disturbances, a decreased sense of well-being, emotional distress for the patient and caregiver and a higher risk for patient morbidity and mortality.   Gastrointestinal complications that develop during tube feeding delivery in the home should be promptly addressed to avert these negative sequelae.   This program presented on October 18, 2018 reviews potential contributors to intolerance and strategies to help improve tube feeding tolerance for the home care patient.

RDs and DTRs practicing in the US may log CPE activities under Activity Type 175 for up to three years from the original presentation date. This program is eligible for 1 CPEU. The activity number for viewing this recording through October 17, 2021 is 145591 (level 2).

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