Influence of a Preconception and Pregnancy Myoinositol, Probiotics and Micronutrient Intervention on Pregnancy Outcomes (NiPPeR Trial)

29 min watch /
Low Birth Weight Maternal Nutrition

A good baseline metabolic and nutritional status pre-pregnancy may promote better pregnancy outcomes. To further this hypothesis, the Nutritional Intervention Preconception and During Pregnancny to Maintain Healthy Glucose Metabolism and Offspring Health (NiPPeR) study investigates the supplementation of myo-inositol, probiotics, and micronutrients in preconception and followed through pregnancy. The main findings were that this particular blend of nutrients was associated with reduced incidence of preterm birth, particularly with preterm pre-labour rupture of membranes, and shortens the second stage of labour, leading to reduced operative delivery for delayed second stage, and decreased postpartum blood loss.

Keith Godfrey

Keith Godfrey

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