Immunology of Milk and Lactation: Historical overview

Gut Microbiota
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Development of the mammary glands and the process of lactation is an integral component of mammalian evolution, and suckling has been essential for the survival of the neonates of most mammalian species. The colostrum and milk, the major products of lactation contain a wealth of biologically active products derived from the immunologic and microbiological experiences in the maternal circulation and in the maternal mucosal surfaces.

During the past few decades, significant new information has become available about, the evolutionary biology of mammalian lactation, the functional characterization of antibody and cellular immunologic products, the role of oligosaccharides and other proteins and peptides, and about the distribution and biologic functions of the microbiome observed in human products of lactation.. A brief overview of the earlier observations on the immunologic aspects lactation is presented here.