COVID-19 Wave Two: Myths Busted and Lessons Learned

Nutrition & Disease Management

Explore the latest learnings to support nutritional management for the treatment of COVID-19 wave two critical illness and recovery.

RDs and DTRs practicing in the US may log CPE activities under Activity Type 175 for up to three years from the original presentation date. This program is eligible for 1 CPEU. The activity number for viewing this recording through December 14, 2023 is 159744 (level 2). 
To learn more about submitting this activity type visit
To obtain a CE certificate, register at

Once registered, go to

1) Enter your email (Username) in the box provided. 
2) Enter PIN code: 61CB4E05 in the box provided. 
3) Select "Submit" and follow the prompts (you will be asked to login with your password)
4) Complete the evaluation for this activity. 
5) Select the Dietitian or Attendance certificate type in the drop-down box, enter your professional ID, and click "Print Certificate". The certificate can be saved to personal files and/or printed.