Presentation Slides

In this section you will be able to download slides which summarize key information from specific topics in nutrition. These short, user-friendly and practical presentations are an overview based on various scientific resources. They are made available for use on presentations, training and self-learning.

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Nutritional Topic
Enhancing the benefits of HMOs

Enhancing the Benefits of HMOs: Synergistic effects with Probiotics

Enhancing the Benefits of HMOs: Synergistic effects with Probiotics

HMOs and Gut Development:Latest Clinical Evidence

HMOs and Gut Development:​ Latest Clinical Evidence​

A healthy gut development after birth contributes to healthy growth, immediate and long-term health. Human milk...

Food Allergy with a Focus on Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy (CMPA)

Food Allergy with a Focus on Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy (CMPA)

There has been an increase in the prevalence of food allergies within the last 10 years, with the most affected...

When to Use Partial Whey Hydrolysates

When to Use Partial Whey Hydrolysates

Early infant feeding and long-term consequences (obesity)

Early infant feeding and long-term consequences (obesity)

HMO Clinical Studies Human milk oligosaccharides: clinical studies

What are human milk oligosaccharides?: basic science

Human milk oligosaccharides: clinical studies

Human milk oligosaccharides: clinical studies

Lactose intolerance and gastrointestinal cows milk allergy in infants and children common misconceptions revistited

Lactose intolerance and gastrointestinal cows milk allergy in infants and children – Common misconceptions revisited

2'FL and LNnT in Infant Formula: potential Health Benefits

2'FL and LNnT in Infant Formula: potential Health Benefits

Innate Protection conferred by fucosylated Oligosaccharides of Human Breast Milk against Diarrhoea in breastfed Infants

Innate Protection conferred by fucosylated Oligosaccharides of Human Breast Milk against Diarrhoea in breastfed Infants

Immunological Effects of Human Milk Oligosaccharides

Immunological Effects of Human Milk Oligosaccharides