Breast milk of mothers who received COVID-19 vaccine contains antibodies that fight illness
Clinicians should consider daily DHA supplements during pregnancy to reduce early preterm birth: Study
Greenhouse Gases and Climate Change
Nutritional Approaches for the Prevention and Remission of Type 2 Diabetes and Weight Management
Co-Authored by 4 Experts
Gene-related HMO composition impacts infant's language, says study
NNIW96 - Strategies in neonatal care to promote optimized growth and development: Focus on low birth weight infants
Co-Authored by 4 Experts
NNIW96 - Strategies in neonatal care to promote optimized growth and development: Focus on low birth weight infants
New Data Showing HMO Blend is Safe and Effective in Infants with Severe Cow's Milk Protein Allergy
Growth, tolerance and safety of an amino acid-based formula supplemented with two human milk oligosaccharides in infants with moderate-to-severe cow’s milk protein allergy
Friends for life: A healthy microbiome builds a strong immune system
How and why thickened liquids improve swallowing safety and swallowing efficiency
Taiwan Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (TSPEN) Congress
Effect of nutrition and ketones on metabolic activity in the brain in Mild Cognitive Impairment
Miia Kivipelto
HMO, Microbiome and Allergy Prevention - What's Their Link?
Ralf Heine
Study examines link between children's temperament and eating behaviors, obesity
Introduction and Welcome
Timo Strandberg
Proteins and Muscle Health
Proteins of Bone Health
René Rizzoli
The GUT Microbiome and Lifestyle: Are Children at Risk?
Nutritional Management of Children with Cerebral Palsy
Mother’s prenatal gut microbiota may predict child behavior: Study
A baby's gut microbiota may forecast future obesity
Prebiotics and Probiotics in Children: Current Trends and Future Directions
Randy Urtala
World Microbiome Day - The Microbiome and Health Risks in the Changing Times
Brain-gut-microbiota axis and stress in children
Targeting the gut microbiota to reduce the risk of disease. Where are we now?
Hania Szajewska
Plant-Based Diet
Diane Zimmermann
Carbohydrates in nutrition during early life
NNIW96: Starting & Increasing Feeds, Milk Tolerance And Monitoring Of Gut Health
Janet Berrington
Generation Next of HMOs: the breakthrough research