NNIW01 - Mini Nutritional Assessment (Mna): Research and Practise in the Elderly

Animal Model: Metabolic and Thermic Responses to Diet and Environment (4°C) in Obesity during Aging in the La/Ntul//-Cp Rat

The Mini Nutritional Assessment in Clinical Practice

The Mini Nutritional Assessment for Preoperative Nutritional Evaluation: A Study on 419 Elderly Surgical Patients

Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (Cga) and the Mna: An Overview of Cga, Nutritional Assessment, and Development of a Shortened Version of the Mna

Anorexia of Aging, Leptin, and the Mini Nutritional Assessment

Mini Nutritional Assessment and Alzheimer Patients

The Mna Score in People Who Have Aged Successfully

Associations Among the Mini Nutritional Assessment Instrument, Dehydration, and Functional Status among Older African Americans In St. Louis, Mo., Usa

Comparative Nutrition Evaluation with the Mini Nutritional Assessment and the Nutritional Risk Assessment Scale

Mna and Immunity: Nutritional Status and Immunological Markers in the Elderly

The Mini Nutritional Assessment and Body Composition in Healthy Adults

The Mini Nutritional Assessment (Mna) for Grading the Nutritional State of Elderly Patients: Presentation of the Mna, History and Validation

Mini Nutritional Assessment (Mna): Research and Practice in the Elderly
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