NNIW93 - Global Landscape of Nutrition Challenges in Children
Malnutrition among children remains a persistent problem around the world. The latest UNICEF data reports that nearly half of all deaths in children under 5 years of age can be attributed to undernutrition. Poor linear growth, or stunting, affects over 150 million children around the world.

The WASH Benefits Bangladesh, WASH Benefits Kenya, and SHINE Trials: A Summary of Their Findings

Intergenerational Influences on Child Development: An Epigenetic Perspective

The Gut Microbiome in Child Malnutrition

Environmental and Physiological Barriers to Child Growth and Development

Role of Optimized Plant Protein Combinations as a Low-Cost Alternative to Dairy Ingredients in Foods for the Prevention and Treatment of MAM and SAM

Vegan Diet in Young Children

Life Course Evolution of Vitamin B12 Deficiency in Indians, Lessons for Other Populations

Role of Cow’s Milk in Growth of Children

Human Milk as the First Source of Nutrients

Balancing Safety and Potential for Impact in Micronutrient Interventions

The Importance of Food Composition Data for Estimating Micronutrient Intake: What Do We Know Now and into the Future?

Improving Children’s Diet: Approach and Progress

When Does It All Begin: What, When and How Young Children Are Fed

Global Landscape of Malnutrition in Infants and Young Children
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