NNIW79 - Nutrition, Gut Microbiota and Immunity: Therapeutic Targets of IBD

1 min read / / Clinical Nutrition Series 79 Volumes
Growth & Development Malnutrition Nutrition & Disease Management Obesity

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) currently affects 1 in 200 people in the developed countries, and in recent decades the incidence has also been increasing rapidly in developing countries.   In the 79th Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop held in New York City in September 2013 experts gathered to present their latest findings on the relationship between the microbiome and inflammation.  Exciting new data were presented on the effect of nutrition therapy in modulating inflammation and improve health conditions in patients with paediatric Crohn’s disease. This workshop chaired by Prof. Lewis, Prof. Ruemmele, Prof. James Lewis and Prof. Wu focused on the complex relationship between nutrition, inflammation and the microbiome as it relates to IBD; this is currently the most exciting area of IBD research.