NNIW70 - Meeting Micronutrient Requirements for Health and Development
The 70th Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop focused on the importance of nutrition in the first 1000 Days. It was addressed that maternal and fetal deficiencies can induce inadequate metabolic programming in the offspring with increased risk for non-communicable diseases later in life. In order to answer questions and lead scientific discussions, we asked world-renowned experts in the area of health science and nutrition to clarify the pathogenesis of micronutrient deficiencies in pregnancy and childhood, preventive methods and strategies, and opportunities for treatment.

Global Micronutrient Deficiencies in Childhood and Impact on Growth and Survival: Challenges and Opportunities

Vitamin A Supplementation, Infectious Disease, and Child Mortality: A Summary of the Evidence

Micronutrients in the Treatment of Stunting and Moderate Malnutrition

Discussion on Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid Fortification

Discussion on Folate and Vitamin B12Importance in Cognitive Development

Folate and Vitamin B12: Function and Importance in Cognitive Development

Summary on Vitamin A and Iron

Discussion on Iron

Discussion on Vitamin A Supplementation in Childhood

Discussion on Micronutrient Requirements

Discussion on Zinc in Maternal and Child Health

Pros and Cons of Increasing Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 Intake by Fortification

Current Challenges in Meeting Global Iodine Requirements

Are Weaning Infants at Risk of Iodine Deficiency Even in Countries with Established Iodized Salt Programs?

Safety of Iron Fortification and Supplementation in Malaria-Endemic Areas

Influence of Inflammatory Disorders and Infection on Iron Absorption and Efficacy of Iron-Fortified Foods

Issues and Controversies with Vitamin A in Childhood

Intervention Strategies to Address Multiple Micronutrient Deficiencies in Pregnancy and Early Childhood

Global Burden and Significance of Multiple Micronutrient Deficiencies in Pregnancy

Role of Zinc in Child Health and Survival

Zinc Requirements: Assessment and Population Needs
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