NNIW66 - Drivers of Innovation in Pediatric Nutrition
This Workshop aimed to address and to identify forces that potentially drive innovation in pediatric nutrition, a vision which surpasses research, clinical and academic thinking.

Conclusions on Innovation in Pediatric Nutrition

The Role of Pediatricians as Innovators in Pediatric Nutrition

Bioethics and Innovation in Pediatric Nutrition Research

The Role of Consumers

Regulatory Environment and Claims – Limits and Opportunities

Evaluation of Dietetic Product Innovations: The Relative Role of Preclinical and Clinical Studies

Sustainable Clinical Research, Health Economic Aspects and Marketing: Drivers of Product Innovation

Economic Perspectives on Pediatric Obesity: Impact on Health Care Expenditures and Cost-Effectiveness of Preventive Interventions

Health Economic Perspectives on Pediatric Malnutrition: Determinants of Innovative Progress

Technological Progress as a Driver of Innovation in Infant Foods

Molecular Mechanisms of Pediatric Nutrition

Epidemiological Research Drives a Paradigm Shift in Complementary Feeding - The Celiac Disease Story and Lessons Learnt

Progress of Enteral Feeding Practice over Time: Moving from Energy Supply to Patient- and Disease-Adapted Formulations

The Clinical Challenge of Preventing and Treating Malnutrition

Novel Insights into Human Lactation as a Driver of Infant Formula Development

Innovations in Infant Milk Feeding: From the Past to the Future
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