NNIW63 - Emerging Societies – Coexistence of Childhood Malnutrition and Obesity
The coexistence of undernutrition (low birth weight, poor growth) alongside overnutrition (mainly obesity) is a phenomenon afflicting many countries as their economies develop and food availability increases. The focus of the book this phenomenon, otherwise known as the ‘nutrition transition’, which becoming increasingly prevalent in many emerging nations.

Subject Index

The Role of Epigenetics in Mediating Environmental Effects on Phenotype

Regional Case Studies – India

Prevention of Low Birthweight

New Approaches to Optimizing Early Diets

Obesity, Hepatic Metabolism and Disease

Metabolism of Methionine in Vivo: Impact of Pregnancy, Protein Restriction, and Fatty Liver Disease

Obesity, Inflammation, and Macrophages

Malnutrition, Long-Term Health and the Effect of Nutritional Recovery

Prenatal Origins of Undernutrition

Postnatal Origins of Undernutrition

Regional Case Studies – China

Obesity in Emerging Nations: Evolutionary Origins and the Impact of a Rapid Nutrition Transition

Imperative of Preventive Measures Addressing the Life-Cycle

Global Changes in Diet and Activity Patterns as Drivers of the Nutrition Transition

Community-Based Approaches to Address Childhood Undernutrition and Obesity in Developing Countries

Adiposity and Comorbidities: Favorable Impact of Caloric Restriction
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