NNIW09 - Metabolic Issues of Clinical Nutrition

Subject Index

Nutrition and Genomics

Water and Sodium Balance: A Nutritional Goal

Neuro-Hormonal Integration of Metabolism: Challenges and Opportunities in the Postgenomic Era

Fluid and Electrolytes in the Clinical Setting

The Role of Minerals and Trace Elements in Relation to Long-Term Health and Chronic Disease

Diet Modifications to Control Hypertension: The Multifactorial Approach

Pathogenic Role of Inflammatory Cytokines in Obesity: From Insulin Resistance to Diabetes Mellitus

Fatty Acid Isomers in Lipid Metabolism

The Effect of Exercise and Diet on Glucose Intolerance and Substrate Utilization?

Muscle Mass and Protein Metabolism

The Metabolic Syndrome as a Clinical Problem

Mechanisms of Insulin-Induced Alterations in Metabolism during Critical Illness

Insulin Resistance in Catabolic Diseases

Insulin Sensitivity: Normal and Abnormal

Environmental Influences on Diseases in Later Life

Under- and Overnutrition: A Global Perspective

Metabolic Issues of Clinical Nutrition
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