Nutrition Publications

Here you will find freely downloadable publications on the latest nutrition topics, such as early infant nutrition, nutritional avenues to allergies, sports nutrition, and nutrition in disease states such as dysphagia or critical illness. All 3000 papers are organized across categories to make it easier for you to find specific information. If you are missing a reference you can also use our search function.

Sponsorship Disclosure: Many of the publications, programs, conferences, educational resources and other content available on this website have been funded and/or prepared by the Nestle Nutrition Institute or its Nestle affiliates.

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Nutritional Topic
NNI Workshop Series (publication series)

NNI Workshop Series

This Medline/PubMed indexed series contains the full proceedings of the Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop series in Pediatric, Clinical, Adult and Sports Nutrition.

Annales Nestlé (publication series)

Annales Nestlé

A series of pediatric health and nutrition journals comprising up-to-date reviews on hot topics. The Annales are published as a supplement to the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism and indexed in Medline/PubMed.

The Nest (publication series)

The Nest

Concise, science-based up-to-date practical information for health professionals in key areas of pediatric health and nutrition.

Latest Publications

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Nutritional Topic
The future of HMOs ESPGHAN 2024

The future of HMOs ESPGHAN 2024

In this NNI symposia at ESPGHAN 2024, three experts speak more about the future of HMOs, and how moving towards synbiotics can be a means to optimize health benefits. Prof. Lorella Gianni shares updates regarding many complementary functions of HMOs, and its role in supporting gut and immune development in early life, which may be used to address and potentially prevent health conditions such as allergies and infections. Prof. Jean-Charles Picaud discusses the results of a clinical study with a synbiotic blend of six HMOs and strain specific probiotics showing positive influence on the infant

Co-Authored by 3 Experts
The Nest Thumbnails - The Nest 53.jpg

The Nest 53: Learning to Eat

Infant feeding is a multifaceted process that extends beyond simply offering food. Complementary feeding is the process of giving foods that complement breastfeeding to be able to provide balanced, nutrient-dense options to be able to meet their high nutritional needs while preventing obesity. There are a lot to consider such as timing, perceptual complementary feeding, and the culture and family context. Typically, this begins at 4 to 6 months, when the baby exhibits signs of readiness. Age adapted foods, and encouraging the baby to try to feed themselves based on their oral motor skills

NNI Workshop Series

NNIW99 - The Changing Landscape of Pediatric Nutrition: Latest Trends & Future Directions

Discover more about the future of nutrition science in today’s ever changing world.

From early nutrition and lifelong health, to the role of the food ladder and the gut microbiome in infancy, to the technological advances shaping clinical practice, our global experts will walk us through the various developments in childhood nutrition.

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Committee on Nutrition: Optimising bone health in children and adolescents

Co-Authored by 2 Experts
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Physical activity, diet and other behavioural interventions for improving cognition and school achievement in children and adolescents with obesity or overweight

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Nutrients for executive function development and related brain connectivity in school-aged children

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Physical Activity, Fitness, Cognitive Function, and Academic Achievement in Children: A Systematic Review

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Dietary calcium and zinc deficiency risks are decreasing but remain prevalent

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Adolescent Undernutrition: Global Burden, Physiology, and Nutritional Risks

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Global and regional trends in the nutritional status of young people: a critical and neglected age group

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Effect of Nutrition and Ketogenic Intervention on Brain Performance in Mild Cognitive Impairment