Professor Nicholas Embleton

Nicholas Embleton


Population Health Sciences Institute, Newcastle University (Professor of Neonatal Medicine)

Royal Victory Infirmary, Newcastle Hospitals NHS Trust, Newcastle upon Tyne (Consultant, Neonatal Pediatrics)

Associate Editor, pediatric research. More than 11,000 citations, H-index 55, more than $15M research grant funding.

Current interests: Preterm infant microboime and metabolome; necrotising enterocolitis; breastmilk feeding, donor milk, breastmilk fortification, qualitative reasearch with parents; nutrient requirements, novel nutrients (lactorferrin, choline, etc.)

Save (for later) 6 Articles 9 Videos 2 Publications

Articles from this author

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Nutritional Interventions to Improve Brain Outcomes in Preterm Infants

Nutritional Interventions to Improve Brain Outcomes in Preterm Infants

Nicholas Embleton
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Meeting Protein and Energy Requirements of Preterm Infants Receiving Human Milk

Meeting Protein and Energy Requirements of Preterm Infants Receiving Human Milk

Co-Authored by 3 Experts
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Catch-Up Growth and Metabolic and Cognitive Outcomes in Adolescents Born Preterm

Catch-Up Growth and Metabolic and Cognitive Outcomes in Adolescents Born Preterm

Nicholas Embleton
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Clinical Trials of Lactoferrin in the newborn: Effects on Infection and the Gut Microbiome

Clinical Trials of Lactoferrin in the newborn: Effects on Infection and the Gut Microbiome

Co-Authored by 2 Experts

Videos from this author

Human breast milk for preterm infants
Human breast milk for preterm infants

Human breast milk for preterm infants

Nicholas Embleton
Nick Embleton landscape
NNIW96: Nutritional Interventions To Improve Brain Outcomes In Preterm Infants

NNIW96: Nutritional Interventions To Improve Brain Outcomes In Preterm Infants

Nicholas Embleton
Gut Talk Series: The gut microbiome of preterm infant
Gut Talk Series: The gut microbiome of preterm infant

Gut Talk Series: The gut microbiome of preterm infant

Nicholas Embleton
Ten key concepts in Neonatal Nutrition (videos)
Ten key concepts in Neonatal Nutrition

Ten key concepts in Neonatal Nutrition

Nicholas Embleton

Publications from this author

NNIW96 - Strategies in neonatal care to promote optimized growth and development: Focus on low birth weight infants

NNIW96 - Strategies in neonatal care to promote optimized growth and development: Focus on low birth weight infants

Co-Authored by 4 Experts
NNIW81 - Low-Birthweight Baby: Born Too Soon or Too Small (publications)
NNIW81 - Low-Birthweight Baby: Born Too Soon or Too Small

NNIW81 - Low-Birthweight Baby: Born Too Soon or Too Small

Co-Authored by 3 Experts