
Addressing malnutrition in all its forms represents an integrated agenda focusing on the root causes of malnutrition at all stages of the life course. In this section you will find material on the full range of malnutrition topics including childhood and elderly malnutrition, stunting, wasting, underweight, dysphagia as well as assessment and screening tools like the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA®).

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Siddarth Ventakesh

Microbiome-targeted dietary regiments to combat pediatric malnutrition

Sid Venkatesh
Feeding Children with Gastrointestinal Impairment

Feeding Children with Gastrointestinal Impairment

Co-Authored by 2 Experts
N&G Yearbook 2024 Teaser Image

Nutrition and Growth Yearbook 2024

Study finds consuming nuts strengthens brainwave function  (news)

Study finds consuming nuts strengthens brainwave function

Gestational diabetes is an epidemic posing an immediate threat to thousands of pregnancies (news)

Gestational diabetes is an epidemic posing an immediate threat to thousands of pregnancies

Got a picky eater? How 'nature and nurture' may be influencing eating behavior in young children (news)

Got a picky eater? How 'nature and nurture' may be influencing eating behavior in young children

Societal Costs of Micronutrient Deficiencies in 6- to 59-month-old Children in Pakistan Food and Nutrition Bulletin (news)

Societal Costs of Micronutrient Deficiencies in 6- to 59-month-old Children in Pakistan Food and Nutrition Bulletin

Life-saving fruit and vegetable diet need only be three portions (news)

Life-saving fruit and vegetable diet need only be three portions

Hidden Hunger (publications)

Hidden Hunger

Tracking Malnutrition: Practical Observations from the Front Lines Part 2 (videos)

Tracking Malnutrition: Practical Observations from the Front Lines Part 2

Co-Authored by 5 Experts
The double burden of childhood malnutrition (news)

The double burden of childhood malnutrition