Gut Microbiota

Microbiota is the good (and bad bacteria) in your gut. Every human being carries about 1-2kg of gut microbiota representing a number of cells far bigger than all our body cells together. Here we provide the latest science on the relation between nutrition, gut microbiome, immune system and human health.

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Navigating the Cow’s Milk Allergy Journey: From Diagnosis to Nutritional Optimization

Navigating the Cow’s Milk Allergy Journey: From Diagnosis to Nutritional Optimisation

This NNI symposia at ESPGHAN 2024 brings together experts to share new findings on Cow’s Milk Allergy (CMA) and how to make the process of diagnosis to management more effective to yield better results. Prof. Annamaria Staiano discusses the complexities of diagnosing FGID and CMA, and introduces CoMiSS and its experience in supporting the diagnosis of CMA. Dr. Ralf Heine addresses the next phase of CMA nutritional management once it has been diagnosed, that it is important to consider the infants microbiome as well as other aspects of adequate nutritional intake, health and development. Dr

Feeding children with gastrointestinal impairment

Feeding children with GI impairment ESPGHAN 2024

Panel Discussion NNIW101

Session 3 - Panel Discussion

Co-Authored by 3 Experts
Cancer Therapy-Induced Mucositis: Where Are We Now? (publications)

Cancer Therapy-Induced Mucositis: Where Are We Now?

Vaccination (publications)


NNIW87 - Complementary feeding: Building the Foundations for Healthy Life (publications)

NNIW87 - Complementary feeding: Building the Foundations for Healthy Life

Co-Authored by 3 Experts
Prevention of Allergic Diseases Through Early Nutrition (publications)

Prevention of Allergic Diseases Through Early Nutrition

Co-Authored by 2 Experts
Foods Consumed at Lunch and Their Contribution to Energy and Nutrient Intakes in U.S. Children and Adolescents (publications)

Foods Consumed at Lunch and Their Contribution to Energy and Nutrient Intakes in U.S. Children and Adolescents

Co-Authored by 3 Experts
Integrating Nutrition into Cancer Treatment (publications)

Integrating Nutrition into Cancer Treatment

Contribution of the Intestinal Microbiota to Human Health and Disease (publications)

Contribution of the Intestinal Microbiota to Human Health and Disease

NNIW52 - Micronutrient Deficiencies in the First Months of Life (publications)

NNIW52 - Micronutrient Deficiencies in the First Months of Life