Gut Microbiota

Microbiota is the good (and bad bacteria) in your gut. Every human being carries about 1-2kg of gut microbiota representing a number of cells far bigger than all our body cells together. Here we provide the latest science on the relation between nutrition, gut microbiome, immune system and human health.

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Impact of gut microbiome on child musculoskeletal health and development

Impact of gut microbiome on child musculoskeletal health and development

In this lecture, Nicolas Bonnet discusses the significant impact of the gut microbiome on child musculoskeletal health…

Nicolas Bonnet
Navigating the Cow’s Milk Allergy Journey: From Diagnosis to Nutritional Optimization

Navigating the Cow’s Milk Allergy Journey: From Diagnosis to Nutritional Optimisation

Feeding children with gastrointestinal impairment

Feeding children with GI impairment ESPGHAN 2024

Enhancing the benefits of HMOs

Enhancing the Benefits of HMOs: Synergistic effects with Probiotics

The Nest 52: The microbiome and synergies in the gut

The Nest 52: The microbiome and synergies in the gut

New Research On HMOs: Enhancing Their Benefit

New Research On HMOs: Enhancing Their Benefit

NNIW 100 Interviews: Giles Major

NNIW 100 Interviews: Giles Major

Giles Major
NNIW100 Interviews: Jens Walter

NNIW 100 Interviews: Jens Walter

Jens Walter
NNIW100 Interview Hania

NNIW 100 Interviews: Hania Szajewska

Default publication

Midwife News Healthy For the Future! Vol. 3 - 2023

Jens Walter at NNIW 100

Microbiome's life starts during birth and needs to be nurtured, Jens Walter

Jens Walter