
The dramatic rise in infant immune diseases, most notably allergy, indicates the specific vulnerability of the immune system to early environmental changes. Early nutrition interventions can have a long lasting effect on childhood allergies. Here you can access information on all aspects of the subject including, proper timing of introduction of allergenic foods, cow’s milk protein allergy, food tolerance and more.

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Navigating the Cow’s Milk Allergy Journey: From Diagnosis to Nutritional Optimization

Navigating the Cow’s Milk Allergy Journey: From Diagnosis to Nutritional Optimisation

This NNI symposia at ESPGHAN 2024 brings together experts to share new findings on Cow’s Milk Allergy (CMA) and how to make the process of diagnosis to management more effective to yield better results. Prof. Annamaria Staiano discusses the complexities of diagnosing FGID and CMA, and introduces CoMiSS and its experience in supporting the diagnosis of CMA. Dr. Ralf Heine addresses the next phase of CMA nutritional management once it has been diagnosed, that it is important to consider the infants microbiome as well as other aspects of adequate nutritional intake, health and development. Dr

The future of HMOs moving to synbiotics as a way to optimize health benefits

The future of HMOs moving to synbiotics as a way to optimize health benefits

Co-Authored by 4 Experts
Navigating the Cow’s Milk Allergy Journey From Diagnosis to Nutritional Optimization.png

Navigating the Cow’s Milk Allergy Journey: From Diagnosis to Nutritional Optimization

Co-Authored by 4 Experts
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Early Introduction of a Multi-allergen Mixture for Prevention of Food Allergy: A Pilot Study

Kari Nadeau
EACCI 2022 Thumbnail 1

Real-World Experience in Early Food Allergen Introduction

Andrea Mikkelsen
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Changing the Way Babies Eat: Supporting Early Allergen Feeding Around the World

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Changing the Way Babies Eat: Supporting Early Allergen Feeding Around the World

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The Cow's Milk-Related Symptom Score (CoMiSSTM) to Facilitate the Awareness of Cow's Milk Allergy

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In focus: peanut allergy

Why is the diagnosing of CMA so challenging

Why is the diagnosing of CMA so challenging?

Rosan Meyer
CoMiSS to Increase CMA Awareness

CoMiSS™ to Increase CMA Awareness: Lessons Learnt

Kateřina Bajerová