The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children is Associated with Several Changes in Nutrient Intakes and Food Consumption Patterns of Participating Infants and Young Children, 2008 Compared with 2016
Objectives:This study investigates associations between WIC participation and nutrients and food groups consumed using data from the Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study’s 2008 and 2016 nationwide, cross-sectional surveys of children <4 y, weighted to be representative of the US population.
Infant iron intakes are concerning, although more WIC infants meet the EAR. WIC infants’ vegetable intakes have improved; baby-food vegetables have become important contributors to their intakes. In 2016 WIC children were more likely than non-WIC children to shift to lower-fat milks at 2 y of age, likely contributing to lower saturated fat intakes. J Nutr 2020;00:1–9.
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