Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop
The Nestlé Nutrition Institute’s global workshops are top-tier scientific programs that bring together internationally renowned experts from around the world to review and debate key topics in pediatrics and maternal health, with a specific focus on nutrition. These workshops typically occur once or twice a year and offer an excellent opportunity to debate and discuss important topics while building relationships with leading experts in the field of nutrition.

87th Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop: Importance of Complementary Feeding and Long-Term Health Outcome

86th Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop: Protein in Neonatal and Infant Nutrition: Recent Updates

85th Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop: Preventive Aspects of Early Nutrition

84th Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop: Next Generation Nutritional Biomarkers to Guide Better Health Care

81st Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop: Low Birth Weight Baby, Born Too Soon or Too Small

83rd Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop: Frailty: Pathophysiology, Phenotype and Patient Care

79th Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop: Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

77th Nestlé Nutrition Institute Workshop: The Importance of Immunonutrition