Toddler Nutrition Academy
Toddlerhood represents striking changes in children’s development. It is a period of a time of rapid cognitive, social-emotional, and physical development. Changing nutritional needs accompany these developmental milestones and the toddler’s diet has an impact in establishing food preferences and healthy eating behaviors. These choices in a young child’s life may have lasting impacts on dietary patterns and body weight. The Toddler Nutrition Academy is dedicated to provide scientific information and resources on toddler’s nutrition, growth and development.


Children’s diets – the greatest determinant of global health

The Nest 54: Inadequate feeding practices in childhood and long term impact

Annales 80.2 - Prevention of allergies in the post-pandemic era

HMOs and Gut Microbiome Maturation Trajectory During Early Life

Healthy and sustainable nutrition for children: important considerations



The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children is Associated with Several Changes in Nutrient Intakes and Food Consumption Patterns of Participating Infants and Young Children, 2008 Compared with 2016

Healthy eating recommendations for 1-5 year-olds in Ireland

New research finds infant cereal consumption is associated with improved nutrient intake

Let babies be in charge of how much they eat – it could help them stay a healthy weight