
Addressing malnutrition in all its forms represents an integrated agenda focusing on the root causes of malnutrition at all stages of the life course. In this section you will find material on the full range of malnutrition topics including childhood and elderly malnutrition, stunting, wasting, underweight, dysphagia as well as assessment and screening tools like the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA®).

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Siddarth Ventakesh

Microbiome-targeted dietary regiments to combat pediatric malnutrition

Sid Venkatesh
Feeding Children with Gastrointestinal Impairment

Feeding Children with Gastrointestinal Impairment

Co-Authored by 2 Experts
N&G Yearbook 2024 Teaser Image

Nutrition and Growth Yearbook 2024

Clinical Phenotype of Frailty - A physical and Cognitive Point of View

Clinical Phenotype of Frailty - A physical and Cognitive Point of View

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Quality Practice Improvement: Nutrition in the Real World

Co-Authored by 2 Experts

Strategies to Prevent Iron Deficiency in Developing and Developed Countries

Andrew Prentice
Design of Clinical Trials in IBD

Design of Clinical Trials in IBD

Health Economics in Medical Nutrition - an Emerging Science

Health Economics in Medical Nutrition - an Emerging Science

Co-Authored by 2 Experts
Next Generation Biomarkers for Iron Status

Next Generation Biomarkers for Iron Status


Determinants of Frailty and Longevity: Are They the Same

Dietary Consistency and Hydration Management

Dietary Consistency and Hydration Management