Aristea Binia

Aristea Binia

Aristea Binia has a PhD in Genomics and Genetics of Asthma from the Imperial College of London, UK, where she finished with the highest score. Similarly, she earned her Masters in Science in Human Molecular Genetics from the same institution with distinction.

After her education, she help postdoctoral positions in the Imperial College of London, and Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Klinik für Pädiatrische Pneumologie, before going into Nestle Research working on cardiometabolic health and nutrigenics, then human milk and early nutrition. 

Currently, Dr. Binia is the Department Head of Metabolic Health, Human Milk Research Strategic Program Leader of Nestlé Research, and the Concept and Prototype Manager co-pilot for Nestlé Health Science (NHS), Nestlé Research.

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Publications from this author

Time of Lactation and Maternal Fucosyltransferase Genetic Polymorphisms Determine the Variability in Human Milk Oligosaccharides (publications)

Time of Lactation and Maternal Fucosyltransferase Genetic Polymorphisms Determine the Variability in Human Milk Oligosaccharides

Co-Authored by 10 Experts