Low Birth Weight

Premature, small for gestational age and low birth weight babies are an important public health concerns, especially in developing countries.This section covers the importance of using different nutrition approaches when managing low birth weight. It also brings extensive information on the nutritional requirements and adequate interventions recommended to ensure the best possible outcomes.  

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Christopher Stewart

Diet-microbe-host interaction in preterm infant health

Christopher Stewart
N&G Yearbook 2024 Teaser Image

Nutrition and Growth Yearbook 2024

Human breast milk for preterm infants

Human breast milk for preterm infants

Nicholas Embleton
Growth of SGA infants: fat or fat free mass – first study results (videos)

Growth of SGA infants: fat or fat free mass – first study results

Gluten introduction and the risk of celiac disease. New ESPGHAN guidelines (videos)

Gluten introduction and the risk of celiac disease. New ESPGHAN guidelines

Hania Szajewska
Protein in Pediatrics 101: Setting the Scene

Protein in Pediatrics 101: Setting the Scene

Protein, Peptides and Amino acids: Role in Infant Feeding (videos)

Protein, Peptides and Amino acids: Role in Infant Feeding

S. Nutten
Nutritional Management of Premature Infants

Nutritional Management of Premature Infants

Improving growth in preterm infants

Improving growth in preterm infants

Nutritional and Reproductive Risk Factors for SGA/Preterm

Nutritional and Reproductive Risk Factors for SGA/Preterm

Safe Sleep

Safe Sleep